Friends Ellie and Freya popped in for their HD tests last week. These are like mini transfers that are placed on the inside of the wrist. They have to be placed and left on 48 hours before your appointment; at which point they are checked for any reaction and then removed with wax to test the wax sensitivity and temperature.
So the girls came along after work to have their HD’s. They both had to have slight alterations to their brow shape to achieve a more enhanced look, but as you can see from the results, it makes a difference.
We had a great evening achieving their best brows … HD Brows are precision, uniquely you Brows, whether it’s a natural, glamorous or simply defined look, it’s your Brow and it was a pleasure achieving them for Ellie and Freya.
For your HD Brows contact me directly or via the website link and arrange your tests and appointments.